Jo Jo Dascenzo RNC
Certified Emotion Code/Body Code Practitioner
About Jo Jo
Jo Jo Dascenzo RNC has been an RN for 44 years specializing in Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, teaching holistic health and wellness in both a group environment, one-on-one coaching, and community education programs. As a certified Emotion Code and Body Code Practitioner since 2016, Jo Jo works as a Wellness Coach with clients and transforms their health on all levels — emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. Her heart-centered practice enables her clients to have hope where it once was lost due to ongoing problematic health issues. The clients Jo Jo serves now have solutions to resolve long-standing health issues. Returning to optimal health in all areas of their life has been nothing short of a miracle for her clients.
Discover Healing Certified Emotion Code/Body Code Practitioners study online and attend live seminars with hands-on training led by Dr. Bradley Nelson DC and his team. Continuous education training courses help practitioners become well-versed in energy balancing. We learn to tune into our intuition, which supports our ability to access the subconscious with muscle testing asking questions to locate emotional and physical imbalances at the root cause. As a practitioner, we are the conduit to allows us to make the conditions right for the body to heal itself. The body is a self-healing organism. It knows what is wrong and what it needs.
The Body Code is how we “decode“ those needs
Results My Client’s Achieve
Emotion Code/Body Code releases the emotional baggage identified as emotions trapped in your body in various organs and systems which cause pain, stress, and dis-ease within the body. This method balances the body’s energy pathways and removes energetic blockages. We get to the root cause to clear sickness and dis-ease. As a practitioner, Jo Jo uses muscle testing to communicate with her client’s subconscious mind by asking questions. Jo Jo’s clients report feeling connected with their feelings, a clear focus with a lighter energetic body, and an open mind and heart. Your body has a wonderful way to heal when conditions are right. This advanced healing technique creates the right conditions and has changed Jo Jo clients’ lives forever. They feel health and wellness at a high level—a renewed connection with all the beauty of life. Clients are forever grateful for the healing that occurs with their sessions. Jo Jo is the facilitator to create the environment for the body to heal itself.