Does a Heart-Wall Isolate You from Love?

Have you ever been heartbroken or emotionally bruised? Have you ever felt that deep sense of grief, hurt, anger, loss, or the physical sensation of a “heartache?”

When you’re heartbroken, the pain seems so agonizing and emotionally straining that you wonder if you’ll ever cope up. Don’t worry; you are not alone. Nearly everyone at some point in their lives has experienced their shares of heartaches and heartbreaks. In fact, every day, over 90% of people live with a broken heart. But then, like most people, you too can cope up with this pain.

During intense heartaches and heartbreaks, your subconscious mind knows that it must protect its delicate core. Thus, it creates an “energy wall” to protect your heart from further pains. This wall serves as a barrier or shield that keeps your heart from being utterly broken.

This is what we call, the “Heart-Wall.”

Yes, the heart-wall exists.

Dr. Bradly Nelson, a chiropractor who invented The Emotion Code healing modality, discovered the term “Heart-wall.” He shared that about 93% of the population has a Heart-Wall (The Emotion Code, 2007).

When you’re extremely sad, depressed, stressed, anxious, or worried, you send messages to your subconscious mind of your vulnerability. Your brain responds by creating a protective wall to prevent you from being harmed.

The heart-wall works like an energy shield that protects you from further physical and emotional hurt. It is made up trapped energy and negative emotions that reside in your body and around your heart. Every trapped emotion gives strength to your heart-wall.

Protecting Your Core

The heart is the core of your being. It is your right essence. It contains memories and feelings. It can think, feel and remember on its own. It is through your heart that you send and receive the energy of “love.”

It guides you through times of difficulty.
It helps you believe in yourself.
It makes you fall in love in the most peculiar ways.
It makes you feel that you are loved.
It leads you to follow your life path.

Your subconscious mind will do everything to keep your core safe. When something is wrong, you can feel like a part of you is missing somehow.

At this time, the heart-wall can be necessary to help us survive those traumas in our life.

Your Heart-wall Revealed

Every time you feel a negative sensation in your heart due to hurt, grief, or sadness; a doctor might diagnose you of having depression, anxiety, or panic attacks. While your heart is functioning normally, what you’re merely experiencing is your Heart-Wall.

The more negative energy you accumulate, you’ll be adding more and more layers to your heart-wall.

  • Emotional numbness
  • Feeling isolated from others
  • Feeling misunderstood
  • Feeling trapped without a reason
  • Having relationship difficulties
  • Finding it hard to be at ease with people
  • Unable to find and give love

Initially, your heart-wall may be good as you get through a rough time. It’s like having a bomb shelter which is used only for short-term protection. But when you continuously build it up with negative emotions, then it becomes highly detrimental.

Energy Blocked By The Heart-wall

While harmful emotional energies from past events were real, the heart-wall made perfect sense at that time. Unfortunately, it comes at a cost. It can hold back your ability to connect with others and feel good emotions. It also makes it more difficult for your body to heal itself. The heart-wall blocks you from being able to give and receive love. It keeps you isolated from the love of others.

When you get trapped in your heart-wall, you’ll be less likely to reach out and connect with people – even those that you loved most. Your heart-wall blocks you from experiencing a loving relationship and from experiencing life fully. It makes life more difficult in general.


Love springs from the heart. It is where the highest level of healing comes from. Love heals everything, and this healing power can create miracles. The heart-wall can block your ability to give and receive love freely. With this, feelings of numbness, isolation, and anxiety fill your life.

Finding Love

Your heart-wall is protecting you from difficult relationships from the past. But it also blocks you from experiencing true love. When your heart is filled with negative emotions, it becomes hard to show your true self. This is one reason why when you go on a date, you tried to impress the other person but didn’t get to show your best. Your heart-wall blocks your ability to find fulfilling and long-lasting relationships.


The heart-wall blocks your full potential. It hinders your creative ability which connects to your success energy. Since it hinders you from following your passion, failure and self-sabotage are bound to happen.

You need to release your heart-wall since it is filled with fear of failure, resentment, insecurity, indecisiveness, etc. As the heart-wall creates obstacles in your path, it becomes harder to achieve your goals and experience abundance.

Clearing The Heart-wall

The most important thing we can do for ourselves is to release the wall around our hearts. Heart-Walls do not dissolve on their own, and most of the time, we don’t even know it is still there.

It’s a sad fact that even children have heart-walls too. I’ve had cases when the heart-wall was created while the child was in the mother’s womb. As the mother’s environment was filled with negativity, the heart-wall serves as a form of protection.

When you release all those trapped emotions and negative energies in your heart-walls, many exciting and beautiful things can happen.

Work on releasing your heart-wall to be free from the negativities in life. In return, you’ll get to find and experience all these:

  • Love that you haven’t previously felt
  • Success in your life, business or career
  • Freedom from sadness and depression
  • Peace after years of struggling
  • Friends after years of isolation
  • Joy and happiness
  • Relief from body, back, neck and shoulder pains

Clearing heart-walls can turn a life around. It can make a profound difference in everyone’s life – from the suicidally-depressed to the seemingly unreachable, angry people.

We are meant to live a life filled with hope, peace, love, and happiness. It’s time that you experience that incredible serenity that you so deserve. One of the most important steps is to find out if you have a heart-wall so you can get it of it.

The good thing is, heart-walls can be cleared one emotion at a time.

I’ve since discovered that these positive feelings stated and have helped people grow in surprising ways. I’ve seen cases when marriages are saved, abuses have stopped, and severe cases of depression are eliminated. I’ve seen peace restored, beautiful relationships started, and love blossomed.

The more we open ourselves and our hearts to others, the better our lives will be. The stronger our connections, the more productive our lives will be. Many people have experienced how wonderful and right it feels upon releasing their heart-walls.

Releasing your heart-wall will reconnect you with yourself and your emotions. You’ll feel lighter and happier. This will help you move beyond your past and the way you perceived yourself. When that happens experiencing joy is finally a reality.

Schedule your breakthrough heart-wall session today to experience the change in your life.

Should you need help in getting rid of your heart-wall, then I am happy to do so for you.

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Jo Jo Dascenzo RNC

Certified Emotion/Body/Belief Code Practitioner