Everything You Need to Know About The Emotion Code

If you want to clear out all of your emotional baggage, the Emotion Code is the most straightforward yet powerful way that can help you. As you free yourself from those trapped emotions, you’ll be happier and healthier.

Dr. Bradley Nelson, a renowned holistic physician, and lecturer developed and calls his special secret of healing the “Emotion Code” technique. He understood that his patients’ aches and pains were more than just physical – as they are also emotional. He shared that those “trapped emotions” can cause pain, malfunction, self-sabotage, emotional problems, malfunction, and all kinds of diseases in a person.

Trapped emotions are formed by negative energies that get stuck in the body when one experiences intense emotional situations. Those trapped emotions are the most common cause of a wide array of body and mental imbalances. Since the body is filled with pure energy, the negative energy from those trapped emotions becomes destructive to the body, which worsens over time.

Discovering and releasing trapped emotions will result in better health, abundance, and happiness. As I help you release those trapped emotions, your body will naturally heal itself. Using the Emotional Code way, you can be free from any emotional and physical ailments. No matter what difficulties you are experiencing, the Emotion Code will work for you.

This healing technique is totally safe and non-invasive. Compared to other forms of healing therapy, you won’t have to go through the past. It’s a cost-effective method that only needs your time, effort, and commitment. As I have been trained in this technique, be assured that what you discuss will remain confidential.

How Does The Emotion Code Work?

The subconscious mind is very powerful as it serves as the body’s computer system. It programs you to be healthy and happy, stopping those painful situations to hurt you. With the Emotion Code at work, it seeks answers from the subconscious about trapped emotions that need to be released. It uses specific questioning and muscle testing technique, which is known as “kinesiology.” When trapped emotions are identified, that’s the time when it is ready to be released.

The Emotion Code works by using two critical healing elements – the Ancient principles of Chinese Medicine and the modern technology of therapeutic magnets. The magnet serves as the tool that helps release negative trapped emotions in the body. The magnetically charged intention energy has to be placed in the body through the major energy channel in the acupuncture system (or the Governing Meridian). This way, emotions will be released as the energy explodes in the body.

What Can You Expect?

The Emotion Code works. Several people have already experienced how powerful, quick, and efficient this technique is. It makes them feel lighter and free. More than that, they see the immediate disappearance of physical problems, self-sabotage, and recurring relationship difficulties. All significant health and emotional issues are gone. Expect to enjoy the same results with the Emotion Code.

Releasing those trapped emotions will restore your body’s balance. It gives way to your body’s natural healing ability. It means that you will be able to recover from the pains and difficulties while gaining a stronger immune system. All these results depend on how many trapped emotions you have and your body’s response to those emotions when released.

Is True Love Possible?

The Emotion Code works by removing the Heart Wall. This is considered the best part of the Emotion Code technique. The subconscious mind builds this heart wall as a way to protect our hearts from further pain and damage. It serves as the protective barrier that helps us cope with rough times. It is estimated that about 93% of the human population has a heart wall. This wall is made up of several layers of trapped emotional energy which builds up over time.

While the heart wall makes sense as it protects you while the bombs are falling, having it forever will be disruptive. Think of the heart wall as simply a temporary bomb shelter. You can’t stay in there for a more extended period, or else you’ll end up feeling disconnected, unfulfilled, and miserable.

Have you ever felt isolated? Do you feel like you’re on the outside looking in? Do you find it difficult to recover from a loss, a divorce, or an abuse? Does it feel like something is blocking you from giving and receiving love? If you’re feeling the same way, then most likely, you have a heart wall. But don’t worry as the heart-wall can easily be released.

Clearing your heart wall can turn your life around. When you choose to let go of trapped negative energies and the protective barrier that blocks you, then that’s the time that you’ll experience true love and happiness. Releasing your heart wall is the key to finding fulfilling and long-lasting relationships. You’ll realize that true love is just around the corner, waiting for you to create it.

Where Do You Start?

Don’t wait any longer. Schedule your energy healing session now. I can work with you at any pace you prefer. You can start with a consultation, an exam, or a healing session right away. In the first meeting, we’ll discuss options for targeting a particular problem. On the other hand, we can keep addressing the imbalance that hinders you from achieving your true potential or experiencing total wellness. I’ll be with you in any direction you want to go and make sure that you achieve the healing that you so desire.

This process is simple, fast, effective, and long-lasting. What you simply need to do is to be ready and embrace the willingness to heal yourself.

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Jo Jo Dascenzo RNC

Certified Emotion/Body/Belief Code Practitioner