Why the Burden of Trapped Emotions is Holding You Back

Does the way you act, think, or feel stop you from achieving your goals in life?

While you may not be aware of it, you are self-sabotaging. This self-sabotage is mainly caused by negative emotions like fear, anger, and worry. Self-sabotaging takes you away from all that is good. One way is talking yourself out of doing anything beyond your comfort zone. Its negative impact leads you to a self-destructive and self-defeating path.

  • You live in fear. You want to meet new people, go to new places, achieve your dreams and take action, but are unable to do so.
  • You felt uneasy. You allow your worries to be your guide in making decisions and choose to stay in your comfort zone.
  • You engage in negative self-talk. You get stuck as you think that you are not worthy or good enough to succeed in life.
  • You make excuses. You lack worthiness and set yourself up for failure as you tell yourself that “I would like to do this but I can’t.”

Self-sabotage isn’t something that you do consciously. But what you are consciously doing is limiting yourself. Your limiting thoughts and beliefs are the ones that trigger those negative emotions. Those limitations make you feel indecisive and unworthy.

This results in lack of drive to achieve as you tend to conform to those limiting beliefs. Thus, even though you know that you are capable of achieving your dreams and improving your lives, you allow negativity to rule. You fill yourself with panic, insecurity, or anxiety just by the thought of doing something that’s unfamiliar and uncomfortable.

You allow your life and decision-making skills to be ruled by that negative state.

For example:

  • You always find excuses why it’s not the right time.
  • You tend to change your mind and so something instead.
  • You seek more time to think about it.
  • You feel you’re not ready and postpone what you have to do.
  • You talk to people whom you know will add to your self-sabotaging ways.

Self-sabotage is holding you back. It often rears its ugly head when you try to change things, but choose to stay in your comfort zone. This hinders you from growing, moving forward, and achieving success. You give up on your dreams even before giving yourself the chance to take action.

You allow the state of misconception to rule you. One reason is that you have trained your unconscious mind that you are not worthy of the good things in life. This makes it harder for you to take steps and move forward.

Your early programming as a child has a massive impact on your behavior, and on the way you think, feel and act. It influences how you respond to things and situations later on in life. In essence, you are the by-product of your family and social conditioning.

When this self-sabotage becomes a habit, it becomes part of a program that runs beyond your conscious awareness. You do it over and over without noticing. It becomes destructive that is snatches happiness and optimism away from you.

Negative Emotions

In life, you will experience all kinds of emotions – from happiness to sadness. Each emotion that you experience gives you a different feeling.

Scientists prove that specific emotions are associated with chemical releases and reactions throughout the body. For example, your brain releases chemicals like dopamine, oxytocin, or serotonin, when you are happy. On the other hand, your body secretes cortisol or adrenaline, when you are stressed.

So what do you think will happen to your body when you are worried or when you have negative thoughts all the time?

Emotions are what we think and what we feel. Depending on what you are thinking or feeling, your body will respond to your thoughts and feelings either positively or negatively.

Mind-Body Connection

Your mind and your body are inextricably connected, working together as powerful allies. Both your thoughts and emotions play a central role in all aspects of our health. This connection affects both your mental state and physical health.

While you are not aware of this complex interrelationship, several studies proved its effect on your health and well-being. It means that your mind can affect your biological functioning, positively or negatively.

Thus, when you deal with life issues positively, you create a mental state that encourages ease. But when you deal with life negatively, you create a mental state that encourages uneasiness.

Trapped Emotions

Every time you experience intense negative emotions or trauma, you enter an out-of-balance state. You will only get back to your normal state of ease when you get over the negative emotional change.

But when you suppress those negative emotions, they become stuck or trapped inside you. You’ll experience an overwhelming feeling due to the intense negative emotions that build up within you.

Those trapped emotions are real. In fact, you carry several inside your body. Your body is filled with trapped emotions caused by trauma and painful life events.

You have trapped emotions when you easily get angry over little things. You also feel hurt or sad because of simple incidents or misunderstandings. You tend to fall apart when things aren’t working your way.

Intense negative emotions become stuck when not processed healthily. When the energy of these emotions build up, it forms a ball that eventually resides in your organs, muscles, or tissues – and stays in there for an extended period.

When those emotions get trapped, it becomes destructive and interferes with your normal way of life. It creates dysfunction and pain due to the continuous vibration of negative frequencies.

Physical Dysfunction

Trapped negative emotions build up over time and bring dangerous consequences to your organs, gland or tissues. Its frequency tends to disrupt the connecting circuit of your organs, interfering with your normal body functions.

An average adult has a minimum of about 300 to 400 trapped emotions.

In this state of imbalance, cellular mutations are more likely to occur. Those bacteria and viruses begin to target your weak body organs, glands or tissues. As these trapped emotions accumulate, that’s the time when the body experiences tissue inflammation, damage or disease.

Your body is in a natural state of balance and harmony. Trapped emotions are affecting you when your body is not in this state of well-being.

Those negative emotions are like a cloud of grey energy that surrounds your gland, organ or muscle. There’s a huge possibility that there are several trapped emotions that reside within the same area of your body.

Most of the time, the subconscious mind protects you from further hurt and pains. What it does is to use those negative emotional energy to build a wall around your heart. This protective barrier is what we call the “Heart Wall.”

Negative Emotions Stored in Your Organs

The ancient Taoists believe that the body organs store negative emotions. These trapped emotions create a damaging impact on one’s physical health and spiritual condition.

They believe that each person carries an emotional change. This is because each emotion creates a certain form of energy that causes different conditions. These emotions can get trapped in any location of the body and form a strong connection with the body organ. For example, when you feel pain in your stomach, you are probably concerned, fear or feel worried about something.

These emotions are found in the body’s organs.

  • Anger affects the liver
  • Grief weakens the lungs
  • Worry attacks your spleen and stomach
  • Anxiety weakens your digestive organs and glands
  • Stress affects your heart
  • Shocks weaken your kidneys
  • Fear attacks your adrenal glands and kidneys
  • Humiliation affects your reproductive organs and glands
  • Guilt and bitterness weaken your gallbladder

According to Chinese medicine, certain organs also produce negative emotions. This energy travel along a path called “meridian” and get trapped anywhere in the body. This is the path where energy moves in and out of the organs steadily. It also releases old life force energy (or Chi) and makes way for a new one.

Releasing Trapped Emotions

It’s important to clear yourself of negative energies trapped within your body. Since those trapped emotions are basically made up of energy, they can be easily released.

These steps will guide you to release trapped emotions effectively:

  1. Define the emotion you feel
  2. Find out where it is trapped in your body
  3. Use a magnet to release it
  4. Double-check to make sure that it has been released

The subconscious mind works like a computer as it contains everything that’s happening in your life. It stores every action, every thought, and every emotion you experience daily.

The subconscious mind can be accessed using muscle testing. With muscle testing, information about emotions trapped in your body can be found.

Using muscle testing, we can determine if what you are experiencing right now is related to trapped negative emotions. This works by asking questions to get the trapped emotions we need. Most of the time, these trapped emotions are the root cause of the many issues in your life – from your health to your relationships.

The burden that trapped emotions create to your life shouldn’t be undervalued. It affects your existence and well-being in ways you’re not initially aware of.

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Jo Jo Dascenzo RNC

Certified Emotion/Body/Belief Code Practitioner