Everything You Need to Know About The Body Code

Want to experience the most thorough energy system?

The Body Code is a state-of-the-art healing system developed over several years by an American holistic chiropractor, Dr. Bradley Nelson.  It is designed to detect the underlying causes of imbalance that usually go undetected.

How The Body Code Works

The Body Code taps into our subconscious mind to determine the imbalances that need to be corrected. What makes it so compelling it the way it identifies specific problems and remove them immediately, and non-invasively.

Like a computer, the subconscious mind stores every thought, emotion, word, action, or belief that we have. It knows precisely our true “heart desires” and what the body needs to achieve balance in the six critical areas of health.

The Body Code uses muscle testing (kinesiology), specific questioning, charts, and intuition,  to get precise answers from the subconscious about imbalances in your body that need to be addressed. To release or correct an energetic imbalance, it combines the use of modern technology of therapeutic magnets and the ancient principles of Chinese Medicine.

A magnet, acting as a powerful carrier, is used by the practitioner to release or correct the imbalance in your body. The practitioner rolls a magnet down the spine or via the Governing Meridian (a major energy channel in the acupuncture system). When the magnetically charged intentional energy is placed in the body, it instantly flows through the body.  Given that the body is made of electromagnetic energy, the magnet pulls the trapped emotion away from the body. Either the negative energy is released, or it restores balance to the energy circuit. This entire process allows for maximum privacy and is entirely non-invasive and pain-free.

Through this procedure, imbalances are corrected to change our current life experience to one we want and need.

How Can The Body Code Healing System Help Me?

Dr. Nelson teaches that real health is about being balanced in six different areas:

1. Energy 

Stressful emotional events can create damaging emotional and mental energies that become trapped in the body. The Body Code corrects and determines this area of imbalance using simple yet powerful energy.

2. Circuitry

The energy systems of the body are made up of chakras, the acupuncture meridians, the connection of the physical and spiritual bodies, and the energy circuits of the organs and glands. The Body Code works by balancing the body’s energy systems.

3. Nutritional

This refers to nutrient deficiencies and imbalances like dehydration, magnetic field deficiency, or a need for a certain healing food or herb. The Body Code works in determining these deficiencies and imbalances.

4. Pathogens

These are destructive and often elusive infections such as fungal, bacterial, viral, mold, and parasites that can be easily identified. The Body Code works by detecting the causes, removing them, and providing necessary remedies to allow the body to clear the pathogens by itself.

5. Structural

The Body Code treats imbalances in the bones, organs, connective tissue, muscles and nerves can be non-invasively. This gently restores stability to the physical body.

6. Toxicity

There are toxic agents that show and don’t show up on medical tests. The Body Code identifies, treats, and removed those toxic agents immediately.

Most health problems that we experience can be traced to an imbalance in one of the areas mentioned above. The Body Code is proven to be effective as it uses the power of the subconscious mind in conjunction with muscle testing. It focuses on finding and releasing all kinds of imbalances that can happen in the human body.

Is Achieving The Best Health Possible?

Our human body has a truly incredible self-healing ability. It can heal itself from all kinds of sickness, disease, stress, trauma, etc. and bounce back from it. Since this healing strength relies on the right conditions, a certain imbalance won’t allow the body to heal itself as it should. This problem builds up over time. Some are even left unresolved. This is the current state of most people who are suffering for it. But don’t worry as this can be resolved.

The Body Code outlines all kinds of imbalances that affect the body. Being a highly-trained and certified practitioner, I can help you identify and release each of them, one by one. I will help you enjoy better health and become free.

The Body Code system has already helped thousands of people who have experienced a fantastic shift in their physical and emotional well-being. This is the most direct and most powerful way to restore your health as it makes conditions right to rebalance itself.

Let the Body Code help make your life better. Try this system and experience the best possible health that you deserve to have.

How Do I Start?

Don’t wait any longer, start now! Schedule your healing appointment with me now. I can work with you at any pace you prefer. You can start with a consultation, an exam, or a healing session right away. In the first appointment, we can discuss the options to either target a particular physical or emotional problem. You can also choose to address imbalances that are preventing you from achieving total wellness or your real potential.  I’ll be with you in any direction you want to go and make sure that you meet the healing that you so desire.

The entire process is simple, fast, effective, and long-lasting. What you simply need to do is to be ready and embrace the willingness to heal yourself.

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Jo Jo Dascenzo RNC

Certified Emotion/Body/Belief Code Practitioner