Release Trapped Emotions for Good
Do you know that there are strong negative emotions that can get trapped in your body forever?
Being able to have emotions make us human. Feeling all kinds of emotions is a way to experience the fullness of life. Life will seem to be a mechanical progression if we live without any emotions. Both positive and negative emotions, including those that we wish we will not feel, are welcome. Embracing those emotions is a way to realize that some situations work in contrast. For instance, it is hard to enjoy loving emotions if we have not experienced painful ones.
Emotions are energy in motion within our bodies.
This “e-motion” cause us to experience different feelings such as anger, fear, sadness, worry, love, joy, happiness, etc. All those emotions are energy that vibrates at different frequencies. Each frequency set off different feelings in the body.
It is normal that there are emotions that can be too overwhelming. We felt sad when a loved one leaves us. We felt heartbroken when someone causes us pain. We felt joy when we achieved something successfully. All emotions that we feel move and travel within our bodies. It is only when that emotional energy leaves our system that we get back from our state of balance and calmness.
The problem starts when those negative emotions remain trapped in our bodies. Emotions that do not leave our system can be due to stress or other disturbances occurring at the same time as the emotion. Those trapped emotions somehow create a “melon-like, orange-sized ball,” that nestle in our organ, glands, or tissue. It continuously vibrates at a negative frequency, gets stuck, and remains there for years. Those trapped emotions can affect your entire life.
Trapped emotions adversely affect your body
Trapped emotions can hinder the proper functioning of the body’s organs, systems, and cell renewal. This can lead to physical weakness as the body starts to develop various illnesses and diseases.
Those trapped emotions have a profound effect on how a person reacts to what life throws at him/her. For instance, if you have a trapped emotion of sorrow, it means that a part of your system is vibrating at the negative frequency of sadness. This is one reason why even a minor situation can already make you feel sad and hurt. Should that trapped emotion be extreme anger, experiencing a minor situation can already trigger your outburst.
However, there is a much worst and more dangerous part of living with trapped emotions. Those trapped emotions can create an adverse effect on the host organ. This can lead to a variety of other disorders manifesting as imbalance, illness, or disease. It can damage the communication circuit that links to the body’s organs. Because the body’s immune system is weakest in the area where trapped emotions reside, bacterial and viral infections will precisely target those spots. This causes a disturbance in your body’s energy flow. The worst thing is, will attack the area of the trapped emotion.
It is natural to be healthy, and not sick. Because you have trapped emotions nestling in your body, it only takes a while before your immune system weakens. The fact is, everyone especially adults, has at least a dozen trapped emotions in their body. Those trapped emotions are like a “time bomb” eagerly awaiting to be activated.
The subconscious mind knows what to do with those trapped emotions. Very often, the subconscious builds a “Heart-Wall” to protect you from further pain, hurt, or injury. While it may serve its purpose for a time, it becomes destructive as the body gets filled with negative emotions. It blows the normal exchange of love and the flow of abundance. It hinders one to experience happiness fully.
Many people are not aware that their trapped emotions were formed while they were still in the womb. Some emotions are even inherited from their ancestors. Some others were formed during childhood while the body’s emotional system was developing. Thus, like most people, one can accumulate hundreds of trapped emotions throughout his existence.
How to Release Trapped Emotions
Trapped emotions are negative and potentially dangerous. It is important to release them as soon as possible.
Emotion-releasing techniques like the Liberation Breath Process and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), are self-help systems giving you limited results.
However, you can also free yourself from trapped emotions using a practitioner who specializes in the Emotional Code technique. This unique method is simple yet powerful in releasing your trapped emotions. Depending on your body’s releasing ability, the Emotional Code can free about 5 to 10 trapped emotions in your body in about an hour. Emotions can get released with two sessions, though some require a bit more.
Don’t wait until you had a severe illness or disease in your body. Make sure to free yourself from all the trapped emotions that are bothering your well-being. Make the best decision and schedule your appointment today.